JRPG Jungle's 5 Favourite JRPGs of 2016

My favourite games this year were surprisingly easy to choose. While there were a lot of good games I played in 2016, after many months have passed there are five games that stand out as truly great JRPGs to me. There are games I would've loved to include on this list that were supposed to come out in 2016 (Hi Persona 5!), but there were some major delays in 2016 that mean certain games will hopefully make the list next year. Regardless, I had a lot of fun gaming experiences in 2016 and this list represents the best parts of my JRPG year. In order to keep things fair and to show why I included certain games, here are some rules I gave myself when making this list: The game must be a full game or at least a full experience (no demos or DLC, but finished mobile games that get updated are okay) Since this list is based on what I've played, JRPGs from any year can be included as long as I played it in 2016 Games from previous year's lists cannot be included unless they were re...